Thursday, April 30, 2009

May Day

Tomorrow starts what use to be my favorite month, as my numbers have grown I like it less and less. I'm at the place where it would be nice to just ignore birthdays, but try telling that to your love ones. I imagine that most people feel the same, until you look into a mirror, you think you are the same you; as you feel and for the most part think like you always have. I wonder, am I the only woman who dislikes aging.

I am looking forward to my time on Mother's Day with the girls at brunch, even though I will miss my mom this year. This has been a year of firsts since she left. I know from experience it gets easier, so I will just continue through the year thinking of her and missing her, and talking to her. Maybe if I can quiet my mind I can hear her talk back.

I have some great and fun trips planned in May, so this will be a beautiful month and it always means summer is around the corner.

I'll leave off with another thought:

"It is not more difficult to create a castle than a button. Most of you have more buttons than castles, however, because they're easier to expect." Abraham

Thought become things, so think the good ones.

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