Thursday, August 5, 2010

a thought for today
Check out this awesome site, you can sign up to receive an inspiring thought for each day. Funny how many times they "hit" me just right. My oldest daughter turned me on to this site, she also receives them each day in her email. Hope you will enjoy them too.

Babies Babies oh I love babies

Seems to be baby time around the neighborhood, and it's keeping me busy. I still have 2 more to gifts to make I just found out about.
First up was a gift for the grandson of my girlfriend since Jr. High This is her fourth grandchild. I made 2 oneies, burp cloth and a nite-nite.

a little something for the big brother to open

Then on to another gift for the 7th grandchild of a dear friend.
This gift includes a couple of oneies, with matching headbands, a nite-nite and a burp cloth.
For the big sister a monogramed pillowcase and a little headband to open.